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Sweep - Jonathan Auxier

Updated: Jun 27, 2019

The book, Sweep, by Jonathan Auxier, is about a very filthy chimney sweep named Nan. Nan is an orphan and is trained to be a chimney sweep. She works for the evil Wilkie Crudd. Nan wasn’t always that type of orphan, the kind who work with dangerous jobs without even getting a single penny. The kind of orphan that leaves to work everyday, not knowing if they will be alive by the time the return. No, Nan was not always that type of orphan. I mean, she still was an orphan, but just not that type of orphan. She used to live with the Sweep, who was her protector, mother, father, brother, sister, friend, teacher, all combined into one human being. The Sweep was so close to Nan that she couldn’t even remember a time when he was not with her. Then, the Sweep just left, disappeared, vanished, whatever happened to him. It was a regular night, the Sweep and Nan were on the top of a roof, gazing at the magnificent view at night, stars glistening in the moonlight. After enjoying another sight of the glistening stars at night, the Sweep and Nan fell asleep. When Nan woke up in the morning, the Sweep was gone, completely, except for his hat and a little piece of soot. These items were very valuable in Nan’s opinion, in fact, she named the little piece of soot, her char. Now, Nan is a different girl, sure she misses her her Sweep, but somethings you have to get used to. So that’s she ended up with Wilkie Crudd’s presence. But soon enough, Nan realizes the importance of friendship. She also finds out that her char, is created for more than just a memory.

Throughout this novel, Nan creates many friendships, even with non humans. She also creates realizations. With the help of her human and non human friends, Nan creates an efficient tool to save many lives. Soon enough, Nan is faced with even more tragic events, now effecting her friendships. Nan takes it easier this time, although she still extremely sad, Nan uses this opportunity to save even more lives. 

Read Sweep, by Jonathan Auxier, to find out what happens!

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