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  • Writer's pictureAnshu

The Ultimate Guide To Deal With Bullies

So bullies. they are part of many people's lives. Some bullies easily back off, and some don't give up. Here the complete guide to deal with many different types of bullies.

  1. Be extremely KIND to them, even if they aren't.

  • This will drive them crazy, they will soon get bored and move on.

Bully: You look like a servant! Hahaha.

Victim: Oh, well at least you look like royalty.

Bully: Umm...

2. AGREE with everything they say about you, even if it hurts your feelings.

  • This will also drive them crazy and irritated, and they will probably move on.

Bully: See this bag of pretzels? You are salty just like these salty pretzels.

Victim: I agree, I am pretty salty.

Bully: Umm...

3. IGNORE them, no matter how hard it is.

  • This will make them bored, as you are not reacting.

Bully: Hi Fat Face!

Victim: (Walks away without reacting)

Bully: Wait, What?

(Keep in mind that this isn't always the best way, some bullies with keep following you)

So this is MY version of an ultimitate guide to deal with bullies, and I hope this helped! Comment down below if you have any other ideas! See you in my next post!

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